
Install shorten

// Menu: Shorten
// Description: Shorten a given URL with a given short name via netlify-shortener
// Shortcut: command option control s
// Author: Kent C. Dodds
// Twitter: @kentcdodds
const dir = await env(
'Where is your netlify-shortener repo directory?',
const longURL = await arg(`What's the full URL?`)
// TODO: figure out how to make this optional
const shortName = await arg(`What's the short name?`)
const netlifyShortenerPath = path.join(
const {baseUrl} = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(dir, 'package.json')))
setPlaceholder(`Creating redirect: ${baseUrl}/${shortName} -> ${longURL}`)
const result = exec(
`node "${netlifyShortenerPath}" "${longURL}" "${shortName}"`,
const {stderr, stdout} = result
if (result.code === 0) {
const lastLine = stdout.split('\n').filter(Boolean).slice(-1)[0]
title: '✅ Short URL created',
message: lastLine,
} else {
const getErr = str => str.match(/Error: (.+)\n/)?.[1]
const error = getErr(stderr) ?? getErr(stdout) ?? 'Unknown error'
console.error({stderr, stdout})
title: '❌ Short URL not created',
message: error,

It's a bit of a hack in some places, but it works!